Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Bodyguard Feature-length Commentary

In an attempt to enter into the digital age, I have started exploring alternative technologies for the dissemination of Film Criticism and Theory. Or, in another turn of phrase, click below to download my feature length mp3 commentary of The Bodyguard.

Click here to hear me talk for 2+ hours about Whitney Houston

I'm hoping that it's fun. I must apologize forthright for the somewhat lackluster quality of the sound recording. I'm working with a limited means (eg, a 4-year-old laptop) but I hope you'll find the observations insightful. There are excepts taken from Lynn Tillman's essay Looking for Trouble - or Privileging the Subtext which can be found in her book The Broad Picture, Ann Friedberg's 'A Denial of Difference: Theories of Cinematic Identification’ reproduced in Psychoanalysis & Cinema, portions of 'Trying to Hear "I Will Always Love You"' from my book FEVER PITCH and an essay, 'The Cinema of Whitney Houston' that I have written with Kevin Killian and will appear in Kevin's new cinema book published by FANZINE press and in a slightly different altered version in Hedi El Kholti's new magazine, Animal Shelter later this year.

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